There's a world map pinned to the hallway wall as you enter the old farmhouse. Its peppered with red dots - where volunteers have left a mark to show from where they have come. From Chile to California, South Africa to Vietnam and everywhere in between - young people have found their way to this narrow finger of rocky land stretching west into the Irish Sea.There's a saying that when you travel - you bring with you who you are with you; that you meet more of what you are already carrying with you. People sometimes arrive for the first time at Felin looking a little bewildered, many having traveled hours or days to get here... and the last leg of the journey seems to take forever, even if it is through the most beautiful scenery. But it never takes long..whatever their nationality or background, for anyone to find their feet and feel a sense of belonging even of coming home. The warmth and friendship extended to them, eases their uncertainty and soon settles them in.
The most bitter-sweet thing about working here over the years is having to bid farewells as people cycle off, balancing their pannier bags or walk up the lane to catch the bus on their first leg of the journey homeward after being here for three or six moths or sometimes longer.
This short film gives a flavour of what this dynamic ever changing family of beautiful people do together while they're here .
Diolch o galon ! Thanks to all our brilliant volunteers !