In addition to private sponsors: since 2004 support has been received from the following organisations:
O2 - It's Your Community fund
The Llyn Area Of Outstanding Natural Beauty Group-Sustainable Development Fund
European Social Fund
Environment Wales- Management Grant and Project fund
Forestry Commission-new farm woodlands grant
Gwynedd Council-Gwynedd Key Capital Fund and Cist Gwynedd - Volunteer Revenue award
Intereg Ireland- Wales
Mantell Gwynedd- Galluogi Gwynedd Fund
The Russel Commission Youth Training Fund
Natur Gwynedd-New Habitats Creation Fund
Countryside Council For Wales-Enabling Others Grant
The Big Lottery Fund-Young peoples Make It Happen fund
BBC Breathing Spaces fund
Awards For All Wales
Cooperative Community Fund
Millenium Stadium Charitable Trust
Communities First Trust Fund over the past
The RSPB Habitat Creation fund
The National Probation Services, Criminal Justice Intervention Wales and the Drug Intervention Programme
The Rosa ButlerTrust
CPRW Campaign for the Preservation of Rural Wales
Other Charitable Trusts and Organisations that wish to remain anonymous
Keep Wales Tidy
The Ernest Cook Trust
Cymorth Gwynedd - young peoples volunteering fund
BLF Community Wildlife Fund
The Dulverton Trust
NRW Communities & Nature Fund
European Rural Develpoment Fund
Heritage Lottery - Llyn Landscape Partnership funding
Big Fund - Coastal Communities Fund
Vodaphone: Word of Difference grant
Grow Wild Fund
The Dulverton Trust